

Your charity gives hope

Qurbani symbolises the ‘Greatest Sacrifice’ - a weighty promise that everything we own belongs to Allah and that we submit to Him entirely.

‘Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you’. [The Noble Qur’an, 22:37]

We source animals from local farmers who provide us with fresh, halal, non-stunned meat, which in turn supports the local economy. Your Qurbani will be made after the Eid Salah and the meat will be distributed to those most in need, nourishing them during the days of Eid al-Adha and beyond. 

As well as your obligatory Qurbani, you can also follow the Prophet’s practice of giving an additional Qurbani on behalf of the Muslims who can not afford to do so. This will help us feed more families during the days of Eid.

What Happens Next

  1. 1 We source the healthiest animals from local farmers ensuring that we are sustaining livelihoods and giving back to the areas we work in.
  2. 2 Your animal is sacrificed after Eid Salah without being stunned. We do not use canned meat.
  3. 3 Fresh meat is distributed to hungry families in the country of your choice, ensuring they can enjoy the Eid celebrations.